Worship In The Park
Sundays in July 4:30pm

We are worshipping in Fremont Peak Park on Sundays at 4:30 in July! 

Check back on Sundays because we will pivot to worship indoors at the Fremont Abbey if the heat or air quality is too uncomfortable. You can find up to date information in our newsletter or social media, or on our website.

A Community for all who seek God's love

Meaningful Worship

All humans embody divine image, work as co-creators with God, and receive divine grace through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no one creed, doctrine, or belief required to collaborate with us in worship or works.

Love for All

God’s work of love and reconciliation with creation wholly includes the life, love, and ministry of people of all gender identities and expressions, all races, and all sexual orientations

— simply put, all people.

We Stand Against Injustice
Celebrating Differences

Systemic injustices have historically kept people from the full, loving inclusion in the church and society. We admit our failures and strive with humility towards the radical inclusion and celebration of all cultures and ethnicities, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, ages, and abilities - recognizing that our differences are God-given gifts. We commit to dismantling white supremacy and learning to follow the lead of our BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) siblings.

For more on who we are, follow these links.

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